This Course ran from Tuesday, November 26th to Tuesday December 17th and is now over.

It ran every consecutive Tuesday for a total of 4 weeks. Each class was a minimum of 90 minutes in length, but frequently went over time. All classes were recorded and can now be purchased in the Store.

This course is a deep dive into the 9 centers of the Human Design bodygraph. We’ll be exploring biology, circuitry, de-conditioning, money, amplification, definition, transits, awareness, relationships and more.

  • What kind of center is it? What circuitry goes through it? What channel types does it have? What percentage of the planet has it defined? What percentage has it undefined? What percentage has it opened? What biological correlations does it have? What gates are in it? What does the not-self sound like? And more…

  • What is this centers function? What are the other two that are related to it? What does it have to do with evolution and cognition? What does the not-self sound like? What kind of circuitry doesn’t go through here? And more….

  • What does “Manifestation” mean? What do the different gates “say”? Why are all the channels trying to get to this center? What happens when it connects to a motor? Can it always manifest? And more…

  • Why are defined G centers so attractive in relationships? What are the two main incarnation crosses that come from the G center? What does alcohol have to do with your identity? What happens when it connects to the Throat center? And more…

  • Why do so few people have this defined? What circuitry doesn’t go through the Ego? What does it have to do with materialism and “the way”? What does the not-self narrative sound like? Why are their keynotes about having “the gall” or “the stomach”? What does it have to do with our current global cross? And more…

  • What does survival have to do with it? Why do mammals have one? What gate is associated with peeing-your-pants? Why do some people hold on to abusive partners? Why are the 1st and 2nd tone cognitions from this center? And more…

  • Why “if it’s not a fu*k yes, then it’s a hell no” is terrible advice. What’s sex got to do with it? What is a sexual bonding strategy and do you have one? Why are sacral beings considered “energy types”? What auric shape does a sacral channel make? And more…

  • What does it have in common with the Head center? What happens when a defined root walks into a room where an undefined root is? What does it have to do with burnout and adrenal fatigue? Is it just a motor? And more…

  • Why is it still mutating and what’s supposed to happen when it’s complete. What’s the difference between the emotional waves? What’s so special about gate 6? what does this center have to do with the coming cycle change? Why is it so important to cry? And more…